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only a trifling parcel in the Colony; and that although the price mentioned is at least double what the same article is offered to be delivered for in April next, yet it would be imprudent to wait that delay:

Therefore, Ordered, That Mr. Joseph Hallett be, and he is hereby empowered to contract with Mr. Ogden, on behalf of this Congress, for such quantity of Grape-Shot as Major-General Lee, or the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army at New-York for the time being, shall direct.

The Congress were informed by a Member, that as the Ships-of-War are removed out of the East-River, Major-General Lee thinks this is a favourable time and opportunity to stop the Channel of the East-River, between the City and Nutten-Island, so as not to admit line-of-battle Ships, if it is practicable; which, if it can be done, may save at least the east part of the City; that General Lee desires the advice of this Congress in the premises:

Thereupon, Ordered, That the Committee of War attend on General Lee, and confer with him on the practicability of stopping the Channel in the East-River; and that the said Committee of War report thereon to this Congrass at four o’clock this afternoon.

The Members present were charged from the Chair to keep secret the subject-matter of the last order, and every argument, matter, and thing mentioned, relating to stopping up the Channel; and the several Members engaged on their honours respectively to keep the same secret.

A Letter from Colonel Swartwout was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

“New-York, February 18, 1776.

“GENTLEMEN: Whereas Captain Billings, from Poughkeepsie, has marched, with what men he had inlisted for the Continental service, without any orders, I conceive; at his arrival in town made application to me to join my regiment, as he was entirely destitute where to go, I admitted him, for the present, to join till I could have your sentiments thereon. It is essential to know immediately, as I must make a return to the General of my regiment, and of the effective arms, and have them completed to twenty rounds per man.

“I am, gentlemen, your humble servant,


“To the Honourable Provincial Congress.”

Thereupon a draft of an Answer to Colonel Swartwout was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit:

In Provincial Congress, New-York, February 18, 1776.

SIR: Your letter was read, and immediately taken into consideration. The Congress are of opinion that Captain Billings, with his company, cannot be permitted to join your regiment of Minute-men; but that he ought immediately to return, and wait the orders of General Schuyler.

We are, sir, your very humble servants.

By order.

To Colonel Swartwout.

Colonel McDougall informed the Congress that a ton of Gunpowder is arrived from Philadelphia, and stored in one of the Magazines, in part payment for the several quantities of Gunpowder advanced and lent by this Colony at sundry times to the Continental service.

Die Solis, P. M., February 18, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Scott, Colonel Brasher, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sands, Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Van Zandt.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Yates, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Nicoll, General Ten Broeck.

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhull, Mr. Hobart, Mr. Wickham, Mr. L’Hommedieu.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Dewitt, Mr. Lefever, Mr. Rhea, Mr. Wisner, Jun.

FOR KING’s.—Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Leffertse.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel M. Graham, Col. Ten Broeck, Mr. G. Livingston.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Doctor Graham, Mr. Paulding.

FOR ORANGE.—Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Doctor Williams.

The Members from King’s County were informed of the message from General Lee, of this day, that one Regiment is on their march from Philadelphia, and may be expected immediately; and that the said Regiment is to be posted on Nassau-Island from Wallaboght to Gewanus. The Members of King’s have leave of absence to call together the Committee of Brooklyn, and facilitate the procuring Lodgments for those Troops, in such manner as may be least inconvenient to the inhabitants.

And Ordered, That the said Committee of Brooklyn Township do immediately assemble and provide Lodgments or Quarters for the said Regiment without delay, which they will do in such manner as to be least inconvenient to the inhabitants of Brooklyn Township.

And Ordered, further, That the said Committee inform this Congress to-morrow morning of the particular places of the Quarters or Lodgments they shall have provided for those Troops.

Mr. Van Zandt requested a Permit to finish lading the Ship Rosamond. Thereupon a Certificate was given to him in the words following, to wit:

Mr. Jacobus Van Zandt was formerly ordered by this Congress to lade a vessel with wheat, &c. He is hereby permitted to lade the Ship Rosamond, accordingly, with wheat and flour, &c.

To be shown to Messrs. Robert Ray and Evert Bancker, and to be delivered to Captain William Mercier.

Mr. Hobart, according to order, reported a draft of a Letter to the County Committee, in each respective County in this Colony where Troops are to be raised; which was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:

In Provincial Congress, New-York, February 18, 1776.

SIR: The Congress having determined that your County shall have the opportunity of raising. . . . . . .companies in the four regiments to be raised by order of the Continental Con­gress for the defence of this Colony, have resolved that blank warrants for the officers of the same shall be sent to your Committee. You will observe by the enclosed resolves, that you are restrained in the appointments to give the preference to such persons as have served their country in the last campaign; but it is not by any means the design of Congress, that men who have misbehaved themselves should be any further employed. It is expected that the people will readily inlist in these regiments, as they are raised for the express purpose of defending this Colony; and unless we raise them from among ourselves, in all probability they will be sent from other Colonies, which will be to our everlasting disgrace. We have great confidence in your zeal for the common cause, and trust that you will exert yourselves that these levies be completed with all possible despatch.

We are, sir, your very humble servants.

By order.

P. S. It is expected that each man furnish himself with a good gun and bayonet, tomahawk, knapsack, or haversack, and two bills; but those who are not able to furnish themselves with these arms and accoutrements, will be supplied at the publick expense; for the payment of which, small stoppages will be made out of their monthly pay, till the whole are paid for; then they are to remain the property of the men.

Ordered, That sundry copies be engrossed, and signed by the President; and one of these Letters directed to the County Committee, in each County where Troops are to be raised; and the said Letters be transmitted, together with blank Warrants and Instructions for raising the men.

Mr. Hobart, from the Committee of War, who were directed this morning to confer with General Lee, verbally reported in substance: That, in obedience to the order of Congress, they had conferred with the General, and examined the Plans of the City and Harbour with him and his Engineer, and some other officers; that the General informed them that he has given orders to take a survey of the vessels now in port; that this evening the depth and breadth of the channel at the most proper places are to be sounded and taken; that General Lee thinks it of great importance to obstruct the navigation of the East-River against line-of-battle Ships, and seems to have it much at heart; that General Lee, on being asked how the west side of the town could be protected, allowed that a ship might come to the

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