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Die Sabbati, 4 ho. P. M., March 2, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. E. Bancker, Mr. Denning, Mr. Scott, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hallett (a very short time.) FOR ALBANY.General Ten Broeck, Mr. Yates, Mr. Gansevoort. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Gelston, Mr. Hobart. FOR ORANGE.Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison. FOR ULSTER.Mr. Rhea, Mr. Lefever, Colonel Palmer, (on service.) FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel Ten Broeck, Mr. G. Livingston, Major Schenck, Colonel Humphreys. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. A. Bancker. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Van Cortlandt only. FOR CHARLOTTE.Colonel John Williams. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. N. B. Kings and Cumberland are entirely absent. Colonel Humphreys informed the Congress that many of the Minute-men of his Regiment are in want of shoes, and other small necessaries; and he requests a sum of money on account for his Regiment. Colonel Humphreys was informed that many of his men are not properly accoutred, according to the resolutions of Congress, and that some of them are not even armed; that a sum of money shall be advanced to him, on condition that the said money, or so much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose, shall be laid out to equip his men with arms and accoutrements. Ordered, therefore, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of this Congress, advance to Colonel Humphreys the sum of three hundred Pounds, on account of the pay of his Regiment now employed at New-York in the Continental service, and take Colonel Humphreys s receipt for the same; and this money is advanced to Colonel Humphreys expressly on the condition above-mentioned. The Committee who attended on Major-General Lee, returned, and made a Parole Report; and they were requested to deliver their Report in writing at the next meeting of Congress. Die Solis, 9 ho. A. M., March 3, 1776. Many Members met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Smith, Mr. Hallett, Mr. Roosevelt. FOR ALBANY.General Ben Broeck, Mr. A. Yates, Mr. Gansevoort. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Hobart, Mr. Gelston. FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel Ten Broeck only. FOR ORANGE.Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonl Van Cortlandt. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Bancker. FOR CHARLOTTE.Colonel John Williams. For want of a sufficient number of Members to form a Congress, according to the standing custom, (which is to have a majority of Counties represented,) no business could be done; and the Members agreed to meet again at six oclock. Die Solis, 6 ho. P. M., March 3, 1776. Many of the Members met pursuant to adjournment.Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Lott, Mr. Smith, Captain Denning, Mr. Prince. FOR ALBANY.General Ten Broeck, Mr. A. Yates, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Nicoll, (on service.) FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Gelston. FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel Ten Broeck, Mr. G. Livingston. FOR ORANGE.Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison. FOR ULSTERMr. Rhea, Mr. Lefever, Colonel Palmer, (on service.) FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. For want of a sufficient number of Members, no business can be done; and, therefore, adjourned to ten oclock to-morrow morning. Die Lunæ, A. M., March 4, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Smith, Mr. Denning, Mr. Hallett, Mr. E. Bancker, Major Stoutenburgh, Colonel Lott, Mr. Rutgers, Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Beekman, Mr. Prince. FOR ALBANY.General Ben Broeck, Mr. A. Yates, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Nicoll, (on service.) FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Gelston, Mr. Hobart. FOR ORANGE.Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison. FOR ULSTER.Mr. Whea, Mr. Lefever, Colonel Palmer, (on service.) FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel Ten Broeck, Mr. G. Livingston. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. . Bancker. FOR KINGs.Mr. Polhemus. FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Van Cortlandt, Colonel L. Graham. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. FOR CHARLOTTE.Colonel John Williams. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel William Williams. A Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Graham, dated yesterday, was read and filed. He thereby informs that the Quartermaster of Colonel Drakes Regiment declines serving any longer, and recommending Mr. James Cock as a proper person. The Congress are of opinion that the Colonels of the different Regiments of Minute-men should appoint their own Quartermasters, and give them warrants accordingly; and that this method should be recommended to Colonel Drake, as occasion may require it; and order that Mr. Benson, by letter, inform Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Graham of the opinion of this Congress. A Letter from Major-General Schuyler, dated the 21st February, on behalf of Mr. Paine, informing that he seems active and lively, and had been some time employed during some part of last campaign in the Artillery service; and that, if there is a vacancy, it might do well to employ him, was read and filed. A Letter from Major-General Schuyler of the 27th February was read and filed. He therein says that Captain Willett, during the last campaign, has acted with remarkable attention and propriety, and that he is, therefore, entitled to the attention of his country. A Letter from Major-General Schuyler, also bearing date the 27th February, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: Albany, February 27, 1776. SIR: Last evening I had the honour to receive your letter of the 22d instant. I wish it was in my power to inform you what officers from this Colony are provided for in Canada. I have never been able to get a return from thence since the order of Congress for raising two battalions there; but as one of these battalions, I suppose, will be officered by the officers from this Colony, you may make a probable guess of who will not be employed there from the enclosed list, on which they stand in the order of their rank in the Army. I have also enclosed a list of such officers as served last campaign, and are now part of Colonel Van Schaicks Regiment. Captains Billings and Hasbrouck, and Lieutenant Whelp had warrants for raising men; but as I have never heard from them since they left this, I took no notice of them in the arrangement of this regiment. I am extremely sorry that you cannot supply it with arms; I shall not know how to furnish them. The arms of the New-York Troops were ordered to be returned into the publick stores. Such as were so, have since been issued to other troops; but many were lost and carried off by deserters. I shall, at a more leisure hour, send you an account of what were received at Ticonderoga and Fort George. I do not suppose an account was kept of those that were delivered in Canada. You will please to order up six hundred fathoms of tarred rope, for painters for batteaus, &c., and two fishingnets, and rope for four. I shall probably send into Canada some companies of Colonel Van Schaicks Regiment before I can hear from you. Those officers I will give commissions to, as I have