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Resolved, That the Reverend Mr. Tennent, Mr. Prince, Colonel Thomas, Colonel Wofford, Mr. John Williams, Mr. James Williams, and Mr. Jonas Beard, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to consider and report a proper division of the extensive District between Broad and Saludy Rivers, into three, and the number of Members each division ought to have in Congress, to consitute a full representation. Resolved, That the Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the interior parts of the Colony, be authorized and empowered to send for Persons, Papers, and Records; and that such Members of Congress who choose so to do, may attend and give their opinions. Mr. Edwards, from the Committee to whom the Petition of the Congregation of Particular Baptists, in Charlestown, had been referred, delivered in a Report. And the said Report being taken into immediate consideration, Ordered, That James Brisbane be sent for to Charles-town, to do justice to the Petitioners. Resolved, That the present Members of the Council of Safety, together with Mr. President of the Congress, Colonel Powell, and Major Pinckney, be, and they are hereby, appointed a Committee, to take into consideration the following Resolution of the Continental Congress, of the 4th of November last, viz: Resolved, That if the Convention of South-Carolina shall find it necessary to establish a form of Government in that Colony, it be recommended to said Convention to call a full and free representation of the People; and that the said Representatives, if they think it necessary, establish such form of Government as, in their judgment, will best produce the happiness of the People, and most effectually secure peace and good order in the Colony, during the continuance of the present dispute between Great Britain and the Colonies. Resolved, That this Congress will make provision for defraying the necessary expenses of Wagon-hire, incurred on the late expedition under Colonel Richardson. Adjourned to eleven oclock to-morrow. In Congress, Friday, February 9, 1776. The Congress met. And the Journal of yesterday was read. Colonel Christopher Gadsden, one of the Delegates from this Colony to the Continental Congress, having arrived last night, and being present in his place, as a Member of this Congress, for Charlestown, Resolved, That the approbation of this Congress be signified to Colonel Gadsden, for his conduct, and their thanks returned to him, for the important services he has rendered to his country in the American Congress. Mr. President signified the approbation, and returned the thanks of this Congress, to Colonel Gadsden, accordingly. Resolved, That Colonel Gadsden be added to the Committee appointed on the 7th instant, to take into consideration the number of Forces necessary to be raised and kept in pay for the service of this Colony; and the Resolution of the Continental Congress relative thereto, of the 4th of November last; and, also, to the Committee appointed yesterday, to consider the Resolve and Recommendation of the said Congress, respecting a form of Government. The Rev. Mr. Tennent, from the Committee to consider of a proper Division of the District between Broad and Saludy Rivers, &c., delivered in their Report. And the said Report being taken into immediate consideration, the Congress came to the following Resolution thereupon: Resolved, That the District heretofore described between Broad and Saludy Rivers, be now divided into three, as well for the convenience of electors of Members of Congress, as on account of the happy influence which it may have upon the peace and union of the inhabitants. That the Lower District, commonly called the Dutch Fork, shall have the following boundaries, viz: from the Fork where Broad and Saludy Rivers meet, up Broad River to where Tiger River falls into Broad River; thence up said Tiger River to the Ford crossed by the old Saludy Road; thence along the said road to where it crosses Saludy, at the place usually called Saludy Old Town; thence down to the confluence of Saludy and Broad Rivers. And that the election of Members of Congress for the said District be held at the Meeting-House nearest to the house of Adam So-mers. That the Little River District be bounded as follows: by Saludy River, from Saludy Old Town, to where the said river crosses the Indian Line; by the said Indian Line, to where it is crossed by Enoree River; thence down Eno-ree to the road above described, which bounds the Lower District. The election to be held at Hammonds Old Store. That the Upper, or Spartan District, be bounded by Tiger River, from its confluence with Broad River, up to where the said Tiger River is crossed by the old Saludy Road; thence by the said road to where it crosses Enoree; thence by the said Enoree River, to the Indian Line; thence by the Indian Line to the Colony Line; thence by the Colony Line to where it intersects Broad River; thence by Broad River to its confluence with Tiger. The place of election to be at the Meeting-House, near the house of Joseph Kelsey. And that the said Districts, as now divided, be allowed and do respectively elect, four Members of Congress, as their Representatives. Ordered, That the above Resolution be forthwith printed in Handbills, and made publick. Colonel Gadsden presented to the Congress an elegant Standard, such as is to be used by the Commander-in-Chief of the American Navy; being a yellow field, with a lively representation of a Rattlesnake in the middle, in the attitude of going to strike, and these words underneath, Dont tread on me ! Ordered, That the said Standard be carefully preserved, and suspended in the Congress room. Adjourned to nine oclock to-morrow. In Congress, Saturday, February 10, 1776. The Congress met. And yesterdays Journal was read. Colonel Laurens, from the Committee to whom was referred the Resolution of the Continental Congress, of the 4th of November last, respecting a form of Government, reported. Resolved, That the said Report be now taken under consideration, by a Committee of the Whole. The Congress accordingly resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole. After some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the Chair, And the Rev. Mr. Tennent, from the Committee of the Whole, reported, That they had gone through the Report referred to them, and agreed to the same, without any alteration, to wit: That, in their opinion, the present mode of conducting publick affairs is inadequate to the. well-governing the good people of this Colony; that many regulations are wanting for securing peace and good order, during the unhappy disputes between Great Britain and the Colonies; and that the Congress should immediately take under consideration what regulations are necessary for these good purposes. Resolved, That the said Report be taken into consideration to-morrow. Resolved, That the Council of Safety be authorized to order payment of Constables Fees employed in the publick service. Adjourned to nine oclock to-morrow. In Congress, Sunday, February 11, 1776. The Congress met. And the Journal of yesterday was read. The Rev. Mr. Tennent, having performed Divine service, received the thanks of the Congress. The Congress then proceeded upon the Order of the Day. And the Report of the Committee of the Whole being gone through, the same was unanimously agreed to. Resolved, That a Committee of eleven Members be chosen, by ballot, to prepare and report to this Congress such a plan or form of Government as will best produce