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Utensils, as far as those which he has already provided and in store will enable him to supply them with. Ordered, That the Barrackmaster assist Colonel Brewer in providing proper Stores for storing Provisions and other necessaries for the use of the Continental Troops in this City; and that the Barrackmaster be authorized to demand the keys of such Stores as he thinks best calculated to answer the purpose. And further, that he be authorized to enter and take possession of all such Stores, and deliver them to the care of Colonel Brewer, or his order. A Letter from General Thompson was read, and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: New-York, March 26, 1776. GENTLEMEN: Please to give Mr. Hugh Hughes, Commissary of Military Stores, an order for ten thousand Flints and two tons of Lead, on the person who is intrusted by you with those articles, and you will much oblige your very humble servant, WILLIAM THOMPSON, Brigadier-General. To the Honourable Committee of Safety. Ordered, That Mr. Richard Norwood, Commissary, deliver to Mr. Hugh Hughes ten thousand Flints and two tons of Lead; and that Mr. Norwood take Mr. Hughess receipt for the same, on Continental account, as being ordered by the. Continental General for Continental Troops. John Van Ness, Esq., Colonel of the First Minute Regiment of Dutchess County, being deceased, whereby the command of that Regiment has devolved on Cornelius Humphrey, Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel of that Regiment; and Mr. Humphrey being now here in actual service with the said Regiment or a part thereof, and recommended as well qualified to be Colonel of the said Regiment, Ordered, That Cornelius Humphrey be appointed Colonel of the said Regiment of Minute-men, in the place of John Van Ness, Esq., deceased; and that a Commission issue to him accordingly. Mr. Thomas Lefoy, who served as a Lieutenant in Captain Wynkoops Company in the last campaign, being unprovided for, and the First Lieutenancy of Captain Ambrose Hortons Company being yet vacant: Ordered, That a Warrant issue to the said Thomas Lefoy to be First Lieutenant in Captain Hortons Company. And the same was issued accordingly. 4to ho. P. M., March 28, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Mr. William Paulding, Chairman. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Cuyper. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. FOR KINGS.Mr. Leffertse. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Everson, Colonel Morris Graham. FOR CUMBERLAND.William Williams. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Paulding. A Letter from Mr. Abraham Livingston, requesting that permits might be given to his Drovers who are employed to purchase Beef-Cattle to enable him to supply the Army with Provisions, was read and filed. Ryer Schermerhorn, a person who has contracted with Mr. Livingston, or is by him employed, applied for a Certificate: Whereupon a Certificate was given to Ryer Schermerhorn in the words following, to wit: The bearer hereof, Mr. Ryer Schermerhorn, having contracted with Mr. Abraham Livingston, the Contractor for supplying the Continental Troops in this city with the Rations allowed by Congress, with a quantity of fresh Beef; and the said Ryer Schermerhorn being under a necessity of going into the different parts of this Colony, as well as into the Colony of Connecticut, to purchase and procure Cattle to fulfill his said contract: It is therefore recommended that he be suffered to pass and repass, with such Cattle as he may be able to procure, unmolested. To every Committee, and to every friend to liberty, in the United Colonies. Ordered, That the Secretaries give similar Passports to Mr. Livingstons other Drovers. A Letter from Mr. John Berrien, one of the Commissioners for erecting Fortifications in the Highlands, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: New-York, March 26, 1776. GENTLEMEN: I have to request that you will furnish me with an order on the Treasurer for the sum of five hundred pounds, on account, to enable me to discharge sundry debts contracted for ordnance stores, brick, shingles, boards and plank, intrenching tools, &c., for the use of the Fortifications in the Highlands. I am, very respectfully, your obedient, humble servant, JOHN BERRIEN. To the Honourable Committee of Safety for the Colony of New-York. Ordered, That Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of the Provincial Congress of this Colony, advance to Mr. John Berrien, Commissary for the Commissioners for erecting Fortifications in the Highlands, and one of the said Commissioners, the sum of five hundred Pounds, on Continental account, to enable him to discharge sundry debts contracted for Ordnance Stores, Brick, Shingles, Boards and Plank, Intrenching Tools, and other necessaries, for the use of said Fortifications. A Return for a great number of Commissions from Fredericksburgh, in Dutchess County, for the Militia Officers in that District, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: Fredericksburgh, in Dutchess County, March 15, 1776. Pursuant to a Resolve of the Provincial Congress of New-York, passed the 9th of August, 1775, the Committee proceeded to call together the several Companies of Militia in this Precinct, for a choice of Officers, as follows: Beat No. 1.Friday, March 8th.The Company did meet, and, under the inspection of Joshua Myrick, Daniel Mertine, and David Myrick, three of the Committee, did choose Ebenezer Robinson, Captain; Nathaniel Scribner, First Lieutenant; Hezekiah Mead, Jun., Second Lieutenant; Obadiah Chase, Ensign. Beat No. 2.Monday, March 11th.The Company met, and, under the inspection of David Waterbury and Moses Richards, two of the Committee, did elect David Waterbury, Captain; Isaac Townsend, First Lieutenant; Jonathan Webb, Second Lieutenant; Timothy Delavan, Ensign. Beat No. 3.September 20, 1775.The Company met, and, under the inspection of Jonathan Paddock, Simeon Tryon, and David Crosby, three of the Committee, made choice of Jonathan Paddock, Captain; Jeremiah Burges, Second Lieutenant; Joseph Dykman, Ensign. N. B. Simeon Tryon is since appointed a Lieutenant in the Continental Army. Beat No. 4.Tuesday, March 12th.The Company met, and, under the inspection of Solomon Hopkins, David Myrick, and David, Smith, did elect John Crane, Captain; Elijah Townsend, First Lieutenant; David Smith, Second Lieutenant; John Berry, Ensign. Beat No. 5.Wednesday, March 13th.The Company met, and, under the inspection of Solomon Hopkins and Joshua Myrick, two of the Committee, did elect William Colwell, Captain; Joel Mead, First Lieutenant; Stephen Ludinton, Second Lieutenant; David Porter, Ensign. Beat No. 6.Thursday, March 14th.The Company met, and, under the inspection of Isaac Chapman and Joshua Crosby, two of the Committee, did choose David Hecock, Captain; William Colkin, First Lieutenant; Moses Sage, Ensign. The above gentlemen are all persons of respectable characters, are friendly to liberty, and have signed the General Association recommended by the Congress. By order of the Committee: DAVID SMITH, Chairman pro tem. A true copyTest: JOSHUA MYRICK, Clerk. N. B. Increase Bennett afterwards refused to serve as Lieutenant. A Letter from the Committee of Suffolk County, bearing date the 27th day of March instant, relative to assistance of Troops and a Magazine of Provisions; and a Resolution of the said County Committee, to send an express with