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4to ho. P. M., Die Mercurii, March 27, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: William Paulding, Esquire, Chairman. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel Lott, Mr. Sands, Colonel McDougall. FOR ALBANY.Colonel P. R. Livingston. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Bancker. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. FOR DUTCHESS.Mr. Everson, Colonel M. Graham. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR ORANGE.Mr. Cuyper. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel William Williams. The Committee were informed that Captain Anthony Post has such work in hand, to be done by his company of Artificers, under the direction of the Commander of the Continental Troops here, that none of those Artificers can be spared to make Cribbs for the Continental Troops; and that, as many are hourly expected, and some of those now here not yet supplied, Ordered, That Mr. Sands and Colonel Lott be authorized, and hereby are authorized, to employ workmen, or contract with proper persons, to make Cribbs, Tables, and Benches, for the Continental Troops coming into this City; and that they get them made on the most reasonable terms, and with the greatest despatch. Mr. Joseph Bull attended, and delivered in his Bond, executed to Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esquire, in the sum of two thousand Pounds, with a condition that he will cause Isaac Gidney to be delivered a prisoner in Westchester Jail; and that the said Joseph Bull will procure good and sufficient security, in the sum of three thousand Pounds, to the said obligee, that the said Isaac Gidney will remain a prisoner in the said Jail during the pleasure of this Committee of Safety, or some future Committee of Safety or Congress. The said Bond was read and filed. Thereupon, Ordered, That Isaac Gidney, a prisoner now in the Jail of this City, be delivered up to Colonel Joseph Bull; and that Joseph Purdy, another prisoner in the said Jail, be discharged, they paying the expenses attending their confinement while in Jail. An Association of a Company in the Township of Jamaica, was read and filed. The Officers elected by the said Company have subscribed a Declaration, similar to that directed by the Rules published by the Provincial Congress, to be subscribed by Officers before they enter upon the execution of their offices. Thereto is annexed a Certificate of Joseph Robinson and Nathaniel Tuthill, Freeholders and inhabitants of Jamaica, that the persons elected Officers were duly chosen in their presence, agreeable to the Regulations of the Provincial Congress, and subscribed the said Declaration in their presence. Therewith is transmitted the names of the Company, consisting of forty men, exclusive of Commissioned Officers, with their Declaration that they have associated themselves into a Company of Militia; and, agreeable to the rules of Congress, have chosen Ephraim Baylis, Captain; Increase Carpenter, First Lieutenant; Abraham Van Osdall, Second Lieutenant; and Othniel Smith, Ensign; and recommend them to be commissioned. Ordered, That Commissions issue for the Officers of the said Company without delay. And they were issued accordingly. The Committee took into consideration the Resolutions of the Continental Congress for disarming disaffected persons. The same having been under consideration at different times, the Committee came to a unanimous determination, in the words following, to wit: In Committee of Safety, New-York, March 27, 1776. Whereas the Continental Congress, on the 14th instant, did recommend it to the several Assemblies, Conventions, and Councils or Committees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respective Colonies who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America, or who have not associated, and refuse to associate to defend by arms these United Colonies against the hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Annies, and to apply the Arms taken from such persons in each respective Colony, in the first place to the arming the Continental Troops raised in said Colony, in the next to the arming such troops as are raised by the Colony for its own defence, and the residue to be applied to the arming the Associators; that the Arms when taken be appraised by indifferent persons, and such as are applied to the arming Continental Troops be paid for by Congress, and the residue by the respective Assemblies, Conventions, or Councils or Committees of Safety: And whereas the necessity of having the Continental Troops, and other inhabitants of these Colonies who are disposed and willing to defend the rights of their country, immediately armed, renders it highly expedient that the said Resolution should be carried into immediate execution: Therefore Resolved, That it be recommended to the Committees of the several Cities, Counties, Manors, Townships, Precincts, and Districts in this Colony, forthwith to cause to be disarmed all persons within their respective Districts who are known to be disaffected to the cause of America: and, also, all such persons as shall refuse to sign the following Association, to wit: We, the subscribers, inhabitants of . . . . . . . in the County of . . . . . . and Colony of New-York, do voluntarily and solemnly engage and associate, under all the ties held sacred among mankind, at the risk of our lives and fortunes, to defend, by arms, the United American Colonies against the hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Armies, until the present unhappy controversy between the two countries shall be settled. And that it be recommended to the said Committees to use all possible prudence and moderation in carrying the said resolve into execution; and that in such Districts where the Committees find it absolutely necessary to call in an armed force, they are hereby empowered to order any part of the Minute-men, or common Militia of their Districts, to their assistance, that they and the Field-Officers of the forces shall judge necessary; and that the Arms so taken be appraised by indifferent persons appointed by said Committees; and that an account be made of their number, the persons they belong to, and their appraised value; and that each one be marked with the initial letters of the persons name from whom they were taken; and that the Arms, together with the account of them, be delivered to the Chairman of the Committee of the District in which they were so taken, or to such person or persons as shall be appointed by the said Committee for that purpose, he or they giving a receipt for the same; which accounts from the several Districts are to be forthwith transmitted to the Chairman of, and to be laid before, the County Committee, who are hereby directed to transmit an account of the number of Arms so taken, and how many of them are fit for immediate service, to the Committee of Safety, or Provincial Congress of this Colony, that they may be enabled to make further order therein; and in those Counties where there are skilful artificers for the purpose, that the said Committee do cause the said Arms to be fitted up with bayonets, steel rammers, and other necessary repairs, without delay, at the publick expense; and where there are no such artificers, the Committees are to send said Arms to the Committee of Safety, or Provincial Congress, as soon as collected. Ordered, That a copy of these Resolutions be transmitted to the Chairman of the Committee of each County in the Colony, who is hereby directed to furnish the Chairman of the Committees of the several Towns, Precincts, and Districts in the County, with copies thereof without delay. Die Jovis, 9 ho. A. M., March 28, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: William Paulding, Esq., Chairman pro tem. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel McDougall, Mr. Prince. FOR KINGS.Mr. Leffertse. FOR ORANGEMr. Cuyper. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Paulding. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Tredwell. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel William Williams. FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel Morris Graham. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker. Ordered, That the Barrackmaster be, and he is hereby, authorized to supply all the Troops which are already, or shall hereafter arrive, as also those that may be ordered to Kings County, with the necessary Barrack Furniture and