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VII. With regard to the pay and treatment, as well ordinary as extraordinary, of the said troops, they shall be put on the same foot in all respects with the National British Troops; and his Majesty’s Department of War shall deliver without delay to that of his Most Serene Highness an exact and faithful state of the pay and treatment enjoyed by those troops; which pay and treatment, in consideration that his Most Serene Highness could not put this corps in a condition to march in so short a time without extraordinary expenses, shall commence for the first division on the first of February, and for the second seven days before it shall begin to march, and shall be paid into the military chest of Hesse, without any abatement or deduction, to be distributed according to the arrangements which shall be made for that purpose; and the sum of twenty thousand pounds sterling shall be advanced immediately on account of the said pay.

VIII. If it should happen, unfortunately, that any Regiment or Company of the said corps should be ruined or destroyed, either by accidents or the sea, or otherwise, in the whole or in part, or that the pieces of artillery, or other effects with which they shall be provided, should be taken by the enemy or lost on the sea, his Majesty the King of Great Britain shall cause to be paid the expenses of the necessary recruits, as well as the price of the said field-pieces and effects, in order forthwith to reinstate the artillery and the said Regiments or Companies; and the said recruits shall be settled likewise on the foot of those which were furnished to the Hessian officers by virtue of the Treaty of 1702, article fifth, to the end that the corps may be always preserved and sent back in as good a state as it was delivered in. The recruits annually necessary shall be sent to the English Commissary, disciplined and completely equipped, at the place of embarkation, at such time as his Britannick Majesty shall appoint.

IX. In Europe his Majesty shall make use of this body of troops by land, wherever he shall judge proper; but North-America is the only country of the other parts of the globe where this body of troops shall be employed. They shall not serve on the sea, and they shall enjoy in all things, without any restriction whatsoever, the same pay and emoluments as are enjoyed by the English Troops.

X. In case the most Serene Landgrave should be attacked or disturbed in the possession of his Dominions, his Britannick Majesty promises and engages to give him all the succour that it shall be in his power to afford, which succour shall be continued to him until he shall have obtained an entire security and just indemnification as the Most Serene Landgrave promises likewise, on his part, that in case his Majesty the King of Great Britain is attacked or disturbed in his Kingdoms, Dominions, Lands, Provinces, or Towns, he will give him in like manner all the succour that it shall be in his power to afford, which succour shall likewise be continued to him until he shall have obtained a good and advantageous peace.

XI. In order to render this alliance and union the more perfect, and to leave no doubt with the parties about the certainty of the succour which they have to expect by virtue of this Treaty, it is expressly agreed that to judge for the future, whether the case of this alliance and the stipulated succour exist or not, it shall suffice that either of the parties is actually attacked by force of arms, without his having first used open force against him who attacks him.

XII. The sick of the Hessian Corps shall remain under the care of their physicians, surgeons, and other persons appointed for that purpose, under the orders of the General commanding the corps of that nation, and everything shall be allowed them that his Majesty allows to his own troops.

XIII. All the Hessian deserters shall be faithfully given up, wherever they shall be discovered in the places dependant on his Britannick Majesty; and, above all, as far as it is possible, no person whatever of that nation shall be permitted to establish himself in America without the consent of his Sovereign.

XIV. All the transports for the troops, as well for the men as for the effects, shall be at the expense of his Britannick Majesty; and none belonging to the said corps shall pay any postage of any letters, in consideration of the distance of the places.

XV. The Treaty shall be ratified by the high contracting parties, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged as soon as possible.

In witness whereof we, the undersigned, furnished with the full powers of his Majesty the King of Great Britain on one part, and of his Most Serene Highness the Reigning Landgrave of Hesse Cassel on the other part, have signed the present Treaty, and have caused the seals of our arms to be put thereto.

Done at Cassel, the 15th of January, in the year 1776.


Translation of a Treaty between his Majesty and the Hereditary Prince of HESSE CASSEL, Reigning Count of HANAU, &c. Signed at HANAU, the 5th of FEBRUARY, 1776.

Be it known to all whom it may concern, that his Majesty the King of Great Britain, having judged proper to accept a body of Infantry of the Troops of his Most Serene Highness the Hereditary Prince of Hesse Cassel, reigning Count of Hanau, &c., to be employed in the service of Great Britain, the high contracting parties have given orders for this purpose to their respective Ministers: that is to say, his Britannick Majesty to Colonel William Faucitt, Captain of the Guards, and the Most Serene Hereditary Prince of hesse casse to his Minister and Privy. Counsellor Frederick De Malsbourg, who, after the exchange of their respective full powers, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. The said most Serene Prince yields to his Britannick Majesty a body of Infantry of six hundred and sixty men, which shall be at the entire disposition of the King of Great Britain.

ART. II. The Most Serene Prince engages to equip completely this corps; and that it shall be ready to march the 20th of the month of March next, at farthest. The said corps shall pass in review before his Majesty’s Commissary at Hanau, if that can be done, or at some other place as opportunity shall offer.

ART. III. The Most Serene Prince engages to furnish the recruits annually necessary. These recruits shall be delivered to his Britannick Majesty’s Commissary, disciplined and completely equipped. His Most Serene Highness will do his utmost that the whole may arrive at the place of their embarkation at the time his Majesty shall fix upon.

ART. IV. The service of his Britannick Majesty, and preservation of the troops, requiring equally that the commanding officers and subalterns should be perfectly acquainted with the service, his Most Serene Highness will take proper care in the choice of them.

ART. V. The Most Serene Prince engages to put this corps on the best footing possible; and none shall be admitted into it but persons proper for campaign service, and acknowledged as such by his Britannick Majesty’s Commissary.

ART. VI. This corps shall be furnished with tents, and all necessary equipage.

ART. VII. The King grants to this corps the ordinary and extraordinary pay, as well as all the advantages in forage, provisions, winter-quarters, and refreshments, &c., &c., enjoyed by the Royal Troops; and the most Serene Prince engages to let this corps enjoy all the emoluments of pay that his Britannick Majesty allows them; the sick and wounded of the said corps shall be taken care of in the King’s Hospitals, and shall be treated in this respect as his Britannick Majesty’s Troops; and the wounded, not in a condition to serve, shall be transported into Europe, and sent back into their own country, at the expense of the King.

ART. VIII. There shall be paid to his Most Serene Highness, under the title of levy money, for each foot soldier thirty crowns Banco—the crown reckoned at fifty-three sols of Holland; one half of this levy money shall be paid six weeks after the signature of the Treaty, and the other half three months and a half after the signature.

ART. IX. According to custom, three wounded men shall be reckoned as one killed. A man killed shall be paid for at the rate of the levy money. If it shall happen that any company of the corps should be entirely ruined or destroyed, the King will pay the expense of the necessary recruits to re-establish this corps.

ART. X. The Most Serene Prince reserves to himself

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