Admiralty, conduct of, criticised, | 40 |
Account of affairs at Quebeck, | 457 |
Courts of, established in North-Carolina, | 1452 |
Advisers, a call made for his Majestys, | 239 |
Africa, sale of the battle-ship, | 101 |
Aged, a meeting of the, called at New-York, | 822 |
Agent, the Nova-Scotia, ordered to attend the House of Commons, | 65 |
Agents, Continental, empowered to dispose of Prizes, | 1713 |
Agreement, General Schuylers, with the Shipwrights, | 1074 |
Ague, General Schuyler attacked with, | 565 |
Aids-de-Camp, Congress settle the rank of, | 1697 |
Aix-la-Chapelle, hints of negotiations at, | 137, 138 |
Akely, Philip, Deposition of, | 572 |
Akely, Stephen, Deposition of, | 572 |
Akely, John, suspected of disaffection, | 572 |
Alarm, signals ordered in case of, | 524 |
Albany, Proceedings of Committee of, | 398,901 |
Movement of Troops from, | 411 |
Schuylers operations at, | 428 |
Schuylers Correspondence with Committee of, | 438, 573, 574, 641,648 |
Petition of Inhabitants to Committee of, | 715 |
Letters from Committee of, to Provincial Congress, | 715, 761 |
Letters from Committee of, to the President of Congress, | 726 |
Prisoners sent to Connecticut from, | 1072 |
Deputies from County of, to New-York Congress, | 1126, 1310 |
Alexander, gains of, compared with Lord Norths, | 44 |
Alexander, Charles, Captain of Schooner Wasp, | 653 |
Is appointed Captain of Frigate, | 1699 |
Alexander, Robert, elected Lieutenant of Militia, | 583 |
Correspondence of, with Maryland Council of Safety, | 821, 1063 |
Alford, Mass., Vote of, on Independence, | 701 |
Proceedings of the Committee of, | 802 |
Alfred, National Conventions in the time of, | 139 |
All, Mary, cited before Baltimore Committee, | 1462 |
Allegiance, not Conquest, the object of Ministers, | 130 |
Allen, Ethan, treatment of, noticed in the House of Lords, | 294 |
Trial of, prevented by fear of retaliation, | 296 |
Account of, in a Letter from Bristol, | 508 |
Allen, Colonel, good conduct of, at Trois Rivieres, | 828 |
Is recommended to Congress by Sullivan, | 1218 |
Allen, Simeon, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, | 871 |
Allen, John, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Allen, Heman, one of Committee from Onion River, | 1219 |
Presents a Petition to Congress, | 1691 |
Is permitted to withdraw the same, | 1696 |
Allen, Jeremiah, appointed Adjutant and Quartermaster of New-York Militia, | 1339 |
Allen, Charles, appointed Lieutenant of North-Carolina Militia, | 1445 |
Allison, William, Letter from, to John Haring, | 586 |
Is ordered to arrest James Matthews, | 1162 |
Allison, Benjamin, appointed Surgeon by Congress, | 1705 |
Allstone, Francis, appointed Captain of North-Carolina Militia, | 1446 |
Alms-House, New-York, number of Poor in, | 627 |
Alner, John, arrested on suspicion, | 1434 |
Alsop, John, Report of, to New-York Congress, | 331 |
Examination of, touching the disaffected, | 568 |
Altercation, Mr. Foxs, with Mr. Acland, | 87 |
Ambassadors, Duke of Graftons views of, | 322 |
Ambler, Mr., supports Lord North, | 105 |
Amboy, Washingtons arrival at, | 543 |
Measures to remove the disaffected from, | 1642 |
Amendments, Lord Rockinghams, to the Address, | 5 |
Lord Cavendishs, in the House of Commons, | 21 |
To Lord Norths Resolution, negatived, | 65, 66, 69 |
To the Preamble to the Militia Bill, | 85 |
Rejection of, | 86 |
Mr. Foxs, to Lord Norths Bill, | 188 |
List of rejected, to Lord Norths Bill, | 207 |
List of, offered by Earl Sandwich, | 229 |
List of, agreed to by House of Commons, | 237 |
America, as described in the Kings Speech, | 1 |
State of, not known in England, | 6 |
Commerce with, vital to the British Empire, | 12 |
The arbiter of the West-India trade, | 19 |
Conquest of, popular in England, | 34 |
Not responsible for the French War, | 38 |
Relinquishment of, scouted, | 41 |
Conquest of, necessary, | 41 |
Instances of submission of, enumerated, | 50 |
Conduct of, defended in the Petition for Wilts, | 71 |
Diversity of opinion concerning, | 83 |
Difficulties to be met by an Army in, | 128 |
Claims of, absurd and monstrous, | 136 |
Discontents in, encouraged in England, | 147 |
Driven to resistance by cruel necessity, | 161 |
Mr. Burkes Bill to compose the troubles in, | 178 |
Debate on affairs of, in House of Lords, | 360 |
Mr. Hartley presses for reconciliation with, | 377 |
The resistance of, not Rebellion, | 381 |
The interests of, considered, | 840, 994 |
American, An, to the People of Maryland, | 1094, 1096 |
Americans, Earl Sandwichs opinion of, | 7, 220 |
Bishop of Peterboroughs opinion of, | 8 |
Mr. Walkers opinion of, | 22 |
Bravery of, defended, | 11 |
Conduct of, ably defended, | 30 |
Amherst, Sir Jeffery, opinions of, referred to, | 10 |
The friend of Colonel Barré, | 40 |
Amherst, General, compliment to, from Colonel Babcock, | 610 |
Ammunition, Order in Council prohibiting exports of, | 487 |
Expenditure of, at interments prohibited, | 492 |
Authority to contract for, in Europe, | 614 |
Order for supplying, to Gondolas at Philadelphia, | 655 |
Distribution of, by Pennsylvania Committees, | 1289 |
Amos, Joshua, of James, appointed Ensign of Maryland Militia, | 1140 |
Amwell, N. J., Proceedings of Committee of, | 523 |
Ancock, William, declared prisoner of war by Virginia Convention, | 1552 |
Anderson, Joseph, order for seizure of, | 493 |
Anderson, Samuel, order for seizure of, | 493 |
Anderson, John, Governour Skenes Nesro, the farce of, | 549 |
Anderson, Alexander, examination of, by New-York Committee, | 1175 |
Anderson, Absalom, appointed Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 1472 |
Anderson, Angelo, appointed Ensign of Maryland Militia, | 1473 |
Anenarisough, Talk of the Indian Chief, | 502 |
Andrew Doria, Brig, ordered on a cruise, | 430 |
Success of, | 902 |
Andrews, Hezekiah, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Andrews, John, Petition of, for release from Jail, | 1041 |
Testimony of, before New-York Committee, | 1168 |
Annapolis, Maryland Council of Safety report all quiet at, | 682 |
Governour Eden remains at, | 754 |
Convention called to meet at, | 766 |
Fowey, man-of-war, arrives off, | 1034 |
Proceedings of Committee of, | 1063 |
Fortification of, ordered, | 1256 |
Smallwood guards the Magazine at, | 1465 |
Memorial concerning the defence of, | 1477 |
The Convention assemble at, | 1485 |
Further provision made for defence of, | 1494 |
Judges of Election appointed for, | 1498 |
Anne, Lord Oxfords Letter to Queen, | 133 |
Anne Arundel, Md., Association of, meet, | 1017, 1092 |
The Freemen of, to their Delegates, | 1091 |
Form of Government proposed by, | 1093 |
Pay to Militia Officers of, | 1479, 1481 |
Appointment of Officers for, | 1492 |
Judges of Election appointed for, | 1497 |
Answer, The Kings, to Address of the Lords, | 17 |
The Kings, to Address of the Commons, | 60 |
Of the New-York Congress to Mechanicks in Union, | 615 |