Answer, Patrick Henrys, to the Virginia Regiments, | 1603 |
Antill, E., acts as Adjutant-General in Canada, | 591 |
Letter from to General Sullivan, | 1106 |
Appleman, Conrad, warrant to distrain him for Militia fine, | 1460 |
Appointment, right of, claimed by the Pennsylvania Association, | 935 |
Arbuckle, Colonel, march of, to the Great Kenhawa, | 475 |
Archer, Edward, petitions Virginia Convention for authority to make reprisals on Lord Dun-mores wines, | 1567 |
Arcot, battle of, by whom fought, | 38 |
Arden, Dr. Charles, information lodged against, | 1158 |
Arguments for and against employing Foreigners, | 48 |
Aristides, to the People of the Colonies, | 629 |
Armada, what ruined the Spanish, | 42 |
Armatus, to the People of Massachusetts, | 1062 |
Armed Boats, Washington is authorized to build, | 1691 |
Armourers, Governour of Connecticut authorized to appoint, | 876 |
Arms, collection of, from Non-Associators, | 422 |
Order in Council prohibiting exportation of, | 487 |
Great deficiency of, in Militia Regiments, | 495 |
Call upon the New-York Congress for, | 507 |
Soldiers chargeable with injury to, | 525 |
Authority to contract for, in Europe, | 619 |
Appointment of Collectors of, from Non-Associators, | 889 |
Return of the state of, in Army at New-York, | 1121 |
Order for the purchase of, by New-York Congress, | 1323 |
Bad state of, in Ritzemas Regiment, | 1331 |
Congress empower Washington to purchase, | 1669 |
Armstrong, Brigadier-General John, to Brigadier-General Howe, | 612 |
Is stationed at Haddrells Point, | 1188 |
His correspondence with Colonel Moultrie, | 1190 |
Armstrong, Bonnet, Recantation of, to Virginia Convention, | 984 |
Army, mistake about the Provincial, acknowledged, | 82 |
Estimate laid before House of Commons, | 98, 143 |
Return of the Boston, demanded, | 99 |
Difficulties of an, in America, | 128 |
Corrupting effects of Lord Norths Bill on, | 226 |
State of American, before Quebeck, | 389 |
Conduct of the Canada, complained of, | 413 |
Trouble in commissioning Officers for, | 423 |
Distresses of the Canada, | 430, 438 |
Further particulars from the same, | 452 |
Schuylers account of distresses in his, | 480 |
Order forbidding inoculation in, | 525 |
General Return of, at New-York, | 527, 893,1120 |
Call for money for, at Albany, | 537 |
Arnolds confidence of supporting, | 579 |
Commissioners account of the Canada, | 587,590 |
No Return from, to Schuyler, | 641 |
Sullivans account of the Canada, | 679 |
State of, at New-York, | 725 |
Congress authorize a Chief Engineer for, | 757 |
Washingtons appeal to, in General Orders, | 1270 |
Arnold, Brigadier-General Letters from to Washington, | 389, 1107 |
Letters from, to General Schuvler, | 452, 480, 925, 976, 1038, 1039 |
Letter to, from General Thomas, | 482 |
News received at Montreal from, | 578 |
Letters from, to the Canada Commissioners, | 579, 580, 592, 595 |
Takes post at La Chine, | 591 |
But returns immediately to St. Ann, | 591 |
Rejects the offer for exchange of Prisoners, | 591 |
Signs a cartel for the exchange, | 597 |
Samuel Chases opinion of his capitulation, | 685 |
March of, to the Cedars, | 692 |
Washington anticipates defeat of, | 742 |
Rumor of his victory not credited, | 757 |
His Letters to Sullivan, | 796, 924 |
His narrow escape from Montreal, | 930 |
Carletons mention of, | 1003 |
Sullivans comments on the conduct of, | 1036,1104 |
His arrival at Albany, | 1102 |
Arnold, James, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in Connecticut Militia, | 871 |
Arnold, James, appointed Lieutenant in Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Arolson, the Treaty of, | 356 |
Articles, invoice of, sent to Albany, | 563 |
Artificers, corps of, formed, | 1149 |
Artillery, pay of, | 577 |
Arrival of, at Newburyport, | 629 |
Stores at Fort Constitution, | 677 |
Officers much needed, | 776 |
Return of Knoxs, | 893,1121 |
Disposition of, at New-York, | 920 |
Ashburnham, Lord, made Keeper of the Stole, | 158 |
Ashby, Mass., Vote of, on Independence, | 706 |
Ashe, Brigadier-General, commanding at Wilmington, North-Carolina, | 1443 |
Asia, first hostilities commenced in, | 38 |
Asia, man-of-war, intercourse of, with the shore, | 725 |
Assemblies, importance of, to America, | 28 |
Difficulty of treating with several, | 173 |
Assembly, the Nova-Scotia House of, | 61 |
Assessors, Memorial of, for Poor tax in New-York, | 627 |
Association, Committee appointed in New-York Congress to explain, | 1414 |
Report of Mr. Jay, in explanation, | 1420 |
Associators, Returns of, ordered, | 500 |
Battalions of, ordered out for review, | 567 |
Order for separate parade of, | 577 |
Resolves of, at Northampton, Pennsylvania, | 614 |
Of Philadelphia, resolve to support Congress, | 784 |
Resolves of Pennsylvania Conference concerning, | 953 |
Imbodiment of, recommended, | 964 |
Address of the Conference to, | 965 |
Meeting of, in Anne Arundel, Maryland, | 1017 |
Astley, Sir Edward, opposes the Address, | 46 |
Athenians, conduct of Ministers compared to that of, | 96 |
Athens, the Government of, a seeming paradox, | 29 |
Conduct of, to her Colonies, | 96 |
Atkinson, Angela, elected Ensign Maryland Militia, | 631 |
Atkinson, Thomas, elected Ensign Maryland Militia, | 1483 |
Atlee, Samuel, Colonel of Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, | 657 |
Attorney-General, Mr., opinion of, | 49 |
Opposes the Previous Question, | 247 |
Ridicules Mr. Townshends Motion, | 263 |
Attorney General, election of, in Virginia Convention, | 1602 |
Auchmuty, Robert, capture of, off Long Island, | 1235 |
Aurant, John, censure passed upon, | 562 |
Austin, Aaron, appointed Lieutenant by Congress, | 1722 |
Auxiliaries, enumeration of the British, | 79 |
Avery, Humphrey, Deposition of, | 573 |
Avery, Park, Jun., appointed Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Avery, Mr., difficulties of Schuyler with, | 1190 |
Awnings, bought up in Philadelphia for Tents, | 1299 |
Axtel, Mr., brought before New-York Committee, | 1168 |
Ayleit, William, seat of, vacated in Virginia Convention, | 1535 |
Memorial from, as Commissary, | 1553 |
Babcock, Colonel, Letter from, to the President of Congress, | 610 |
Bache, Theophylact, Letter from, to Philip Livingston, | 1198 |
Bachelor, Thomas, claim of, allowed by Virginia Convention, | 1581 |
Backus, Ebenezer, appointed Major of Horse in Connecticut Militia, | 880 |
Bacon, Sir Anthony, agrees with Ministers, | 69 |
Bacon, Mr. A., shameful contract with, | 317 |
Bacon, Asa, appointed Captain Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Bacon, Abner, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Bagot, Sir William, explains the Stafford Address, | 82 |
Baker, Lieutenant William, Patchens abuse of, | 570 |
Baker, Jonathan, suspicions against, | 570 |
Proceedings of Committee in case of, | 710 |
Is committed to custody in New-York, | 1383 |
Baker, Jeremiah, appointed Captain Maryland Militia, | 1483 |
Baker, Francis, remission of sentence against, | 1493 |
Baldwin, Daniel, Confession of, | 482 |