Sawbridge, Mr., Extols the valour of Americans, |
254 |
Reviews the state of the Colonies, |
373 |
Replies to Mr. Rigby, |
375 |
Sawyer, Ebenezer, sentenced by Court-Martial, |
891 |
Saxons, the, a memorable example of Foreign Troops, |
116 |
Form of their Government popular, |
139 |
Sayer, Mr., false report concerning, |
113 |
Sues for false imprisonment, |
509 |
Sayre, James, appointed Lieutenant of New-York Militia, |
1359 |
Scammel, Alexander, Deputy Adjutant-General, Retrun from, |
915 |
Scarsdale, Lord, Report from, to House of Lords, |
106, 250 |
Schomberg, Marshal, his Speech to his Soldiers, |
52 |
Schoonmaker, Petrus, Letter from, to New-York Congress, |
528 |
His complaint of rank answered, |
1347 |
Schoonmaker, Frederick, second Captain in Pawlings Regiment, |
529 |
Schoonmaker, C. C., informs of proceedings in Ulster, |
899 |
Schuyler, General, is accused of being a king Officer, |
504 |
Washingtons treatment of the charge against, |
535 |
His notice of the rumours against, |
537 |
The Committees of Berkshire honourably acquit, |
582 |
He asks for a Court of Inquiry, |
609 |
Renews the request to the President of Congress, |
640 |
Mentions the design to seize him as a Tory, |
641 |
Various attempts to excite Washington against, |
744 |
Asa Douglass speaks freely of, |
745, 1329 |
Washington sends copies of his Letters to Congress |
758, 768 |
Duties assigned to, by Congress, |
1711 |
His Correspondence with—
General Washington, |
416, 428, 449, 479, 489, 535, 537,
544, 564, 578, 581, 586, 608, 639,
795, 819, 837, 894,910, 925, 939,
974, 992, 1053, 1057, 1102, 1111,
1121, 1217
President of Congress, |
558, 559, 639, 675, 677,762
The Albany Committee, |
438, 573, 641, 645, 648
Colonel Dayton, |
581, 641, 644, 645, 646, 647
General Sullivan, |
609, 641, 943, 997, 1103, 1107, 1201
Canada Commissioners, |
449, 481, 578, 586, 610
General Arnold, |
452, 480, 925, 976, 1038
Sir John Johnson, |
641, 643, 644
Lady Johnson, |
Volkert P. Douw, |
Walter Livingston, |
General Putnam |
General Thomas, |
Samuel Kirkland, |
Robert Watts, on the subject of Lady Johnson, |
Captain Wynkoop, |
John Lansing, |
Governour Trumbull, |
1071, 1126, 1203, 1222
Massachusetts Assembly, |
969, 1074
Meshech Weare, |
969, 1016,
Meshech Weare, |
969, 1016, 1203
Dr. Stringer, |
New-York Congress, |
1057, 1318
Colonel Wynkoop, |
General Gates, |
Schuyler, Major, recommendation of, |
Introduction of, to Washington, |
He is ordered to Long-Island, |
Schuyler, John, asks for a Pass to Norfolk, |
Schuyler, Schooner, captures made by, |
Schuyler, Schooner, captures made by, |
974, 991
Scituate, (Massachusetts,) Instructions of, to Representatives, |
Scoly, William, examination of, in the case of Frost, |
Scotch, insolence of the, party, at Norfolk, |
The British rely upon the, in America, |
Sir John Johnson at the head of the |
Scotland, Address of the Church of, to the King, | 603 |
Scott, U., Letter from, to Maryland Council of Safety, | 722 |
Scott, Brigadier-General J. M., Order of, to Barrackmaster, | 974 |
Appointed to command New-York Levies, | 1389 |
Draft of the Commission to, | 1390 |
Avows himself the Author of a Pamphlet, | 1410 |
Asks and obtains a Brigade-Major, | 1423 |
Scott, Benjamin, appointed Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, | 1140 |
Scovil, Stephen, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, | 873 |
Scovil, Samuel, appointed Ensign of Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Scribner, Seth, Deposition of, | 570 |
Scribner, Ebenezer, suspicions against, | 570 |
Petitions of, for a hearing, | 1125 |
Scribner, Joseph, suspected of joining the enemy, | 570 |
Scribner, Benjamin, capture and examination of, | 617 |
Committed to New-York Jail, | 766 |
Scudder, Henry, appointed Lieutenant of New-York Minute-Men, | 1390 |
Scudder, William, appointed Major of New-Jersey Militia, | 1660 |
Scurvy, prevalence of, at Fort Constitution, | 510 |
Seal, device for the Great, adopted by Virginia, | 1616 |
Committee appointed to prepare, for United States of America, | 1732 |
Seamen, rapid inlistment of, asserted, | 137 |
Levy of sixpence per month on all American, | 183 |
Captain Luttrells defence of British, | 202 |
Taken on board American vessels, impressed, | 220 |
Enemys, not to be exchanged for merchant sailors, | 1714 |
Sears, Colonel Isaac, Letter to, from Washington, | 435 |
Settlement of accounts of, | 971 |
Secrecy, suspicious policy of, | 123 |
Oath of, taken by Members of the New-York Congress, | 1319 |
Secret Correspondence, Members of the Committee of, | 620 |
M. Dumass Letter to, | 443 |
Committee of, to Captain Hodge, | 618 |
Letter from Arthur Lee to, | 685 |
Contract of Committee with Penet and others of Paris | 778 |
Letter from Committee to William Bingham, | 783 |
Orders from Committee to Captain L. Wicks, | 783 |
Captain Wickss Reply to Committee, | 919 |
Committee ordered by Congress to send Provisions to Bermuda, | |
Secret Committee, Schuyler asks for, at Albany, | 641 |
Schuyler sends Mr. Duer to, | 615 |
Papers of, delivered to the Secretary of New-York Committee, | 1442 |
New-Jersey appoints a, | 1637 |
Sedgwick, Theodore, Secretary to General Thomas, | 589 |
Seely, Gustus, sentenced by Court-Martial, | 891 |
Selby, William, Letter to, from Maryland Council of Safety, | 1115 |
Selden, Samuel, appointed a Colonel of Connecticut Militia, | 871 |
Senecas, doubts concerning the intentions of the, | 475 |
Effect of Butlers influence with the, | 764 |
Separation, fatal effects of, to Great Britain, | 22 |
Recommended by Buckingham County, Va., | 460 |
Sergeant, Mr., (of New-Jersey,) resigns his seat in Congress, | 1628 |
Sergent, Colonel, Regiment of, employed, | 401 |
Sessions, Ebenezer, appointed Ensign of Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Settlement, Lord Chathams respect for the Act of, | 93 |
Governour Johnstones views of the Act of, | 111 |
Serjeant Adairs construction of the Act of, | 115 |
Severn, Battalion, apply for Arms, | 630 |
Seymour, Mr., replies to Mr. Cornwall, | 279 |
Seymour, Israel, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, | 874 |
Seymour, Thomas, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of Horse of Connecticut Militia, | 880 |
Ordered to join Washington at New York, | 1254 |
Makes excuses for not marching, | 1276 |