Shanks, James, paid for services by Virginia Convention, |
1587 |
Shapley, Adam, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, |
1225 |
Shark, row-galley, commissioned, |
652 |
The cost of building, |
1223 |
Sharp, Elijah, appointed a Captain of Connecticut Militia, |
872 |
Shaw, Nathaniel, Correspondence of, with Commodore Hopkins, |
539, 555 |
Made Agent for the Fleet, |
556 |
Letter from, to Governour Trumbull, |
844 |
Shaw, Samuel, appointed Captain of Marines, |
1720 |
Shawnees, Message from the, |
541 |
Virginia Convention order an Address to, |
1569 |
Shayler, Joseph, appointed Ensign of Connecticut Militia, |
874 |
Shea, Colonel John, permitted to purchase Fire-arms, |
657 |
Deficiency of Arms in his Regiment, |
1214 |
Washington asks for his Battalion, |
790 |
He is ordered to New-York, |
812 |
Sheap, Henry, elected Captain of Maryland Militia, |
583 |
Shedden, Robert, required to give parole by Virginia Convention, |
1558 |
Sheep, Resolve not to kill, in New-Jersey, |
523 |
Shelburne, Earl of, reviews the course of Ministers, |
12 |
His explanation of the Bill of Rights, |
97 |
Supports the Motion to examine Mr. Penn, |
122 |
Condemns the conduct of Administration, |
123 |
Supports the Duke of Richmonds Motion, |
130 |
Is accused of misstatements, and replies, |
137, 138 |
He answers Lord Mansfield, |
167 |
Opposes Lord Norths Bill, |
221 |
Replies to the Earl of Sandwich, |
223 |
Comments on the conduct of Carleton, |
229, 230 |
Appeals to the justice of the Lords, |
231 |
Opposes the German Treaties, |
308 |
Supports the Dukes of Grafton and Manchester, |
333, 368 |
Sheldon, Elisha, appointed Major of the Connecticut Horse, |
880 |
Shelter-Island, (New-York,) Census of, |
1236 |
Shephard, Abraham, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, |
873 |
Sheppard, Benjamin, Order for arrest of, by North-Carolina, |
1452 |
Is required to give bond, |
1454 |
Sherburne, Major, capture of, |
494 |
His Detachment cut off, |
590 |
His account of the affair of the Cedars, |
598 |
Sherrard, Captain John, ordered to arrest P.Cyphers, |
1657 |
Sherwin, Ahimaas, sentenced for desertion, |
637 |
Shettroe, David, Affidavit of, |
1229 |
Shewel, Stephen and Joseph, proclaimed enemies, |
670 |
Shields, Caleb, elected Ensign of Maryland Militia, |
583 |
Ship-building, the manufacture of America, |
377 |
Ship-Carpenters, Schuylers efforts to procure, |
1074 |
Exempted from Militia duty by Maryland, |
1504 |
Shipwrights, cause of the Insurrection of, |
102 |
Massachusetts Committee empowered to con tract with, |
1728 |
Shippensburgh, explanation about the Powder seized at, |
1704 |
Ships, dangers of, undefended by the shore, |
32 |
Expedition by, built in Pennsylvania, |
126 |
Intercourse with the enemys, at New-York, |
569 |
Ships Husband, Duties of, in Philadelphia, |
661 |
Shircliff, William, appointed an Ensign of Maryland Flying-Camp, |
1504 |
Shire, Martin, appointed Captain of New-York Militia, |
1353 |
Shock, Lieutenant, (a prisoner,) good conduct of, |
683 |
Shoes, Congress order a supply of, to Virginia, |
1694 |
Shot, Contract ordered for various, in Pennsylvania, |
653 |
Shreve, Lieutenant-Colonel, ordered by Arnold to Bertier, |
581 |
Shryock, Henry, elected Major of Maryland Flying-Camp, |
1490 |
Shuldham, Admiral, proposed number of his Fleet, |
101 |
Inconsistency of Ministers towards, |
293 |
Motion for copies of his Despatches, |
364 |
Sicily, how lost to the Athenians, |
96 |
Sick, reported state of, at Sorel, |
593 |
Absence of, regulated by General Order, |
892 |
Incredible number of, in Canada, |
1069, 1221 |
Signals, completion of, at New-York, |
633 |
Silliman, Colonel G. S., Order for summons of, |
550 |
Promotion of, by Connecticut Assembly, |
871 |
Made Colonel of Horse, |
880 |
Non-payment of his Regiment complained of, |
1075 |
Simerson,, Order for arrest of, in New-York, |
1172 |
Simmons, Jeremic, appointed Captain-Lieutenant of Pennsylvania Artillery, |
668 |
Simms, Charles, allowed for services by Virginia Convention, |
1577 |
Simpson, Samuel, Memorial of, to Congress, |
422 |
President of Committee of Privates of Philadelphia, |
691 |
His Protest in the name of the Association, |
864 |
Simpson, James, appointed Master of Provision vessel, |
665 |
Sinclair, James, appointed Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, |
1140 |
Sinnal, John, punished for desertion, |
760 |
Six-Nations, Schuyler advises a conference with the, |
762 |
His Message to the, |
914 |
Deputies from, admitted to Congress, |
1687 |
Presents made to the, |
1701 |
Congress order Schuyler to confer with the, |
1706 |
Skene, Governour, the examination of, reported, |
548 |
He refuses to sign a parole, |
601 |
Skinner, Joseph, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, |
874 |
Skinner, Dr., is sent express from Hartford to Boston, |
1086 |
Skinner, Thomas, (a prisoner,) is enlarged on parole, |
1644 |
Is released from parole and restored to favour, |
1656 |
Appears before the New-Jersey Convention and takes the Oath, |
1658 |
Skipton, District of, ask for Ammunition, |
577 |
Skirgton, (Maryland,) Musket Powder furnished to District of, |
722 |
Slater, Thomas, committed to Philadelphia Jail, |
653 |
Slaughter, John, appointed Adjutant of New-York Militia, |
1414 |
Slavery, historical view of the effects of, |
29 |
The choice between war and, |
52 |
Proposed abolition of, as a test to America, |
251 |
Slaves, wickedness of the proposition to excite the, |
28 |
Relation between Masters and, |
29 |
Proposition to grant Trial by Jury to, |
77 |
Taken in a Bomb-brig, |
540 |
Resolve of Virginia Convention relating to, |
1524 |
Convicted, employed in making Saltpetre, |
1526 |
Masters of, paid for their services, |
1553 |
Sleght, Johannes, Letter to, from Committee on Prisoners, |
1137 |
Slitting-Mill, Maryland Council of Safety encourage the erection of, |
1467 |
Small Arms, the manufacture of, in Pennsylvania, |
126 |
Smalley, David, appointed Ensign of the New-Jersey Militia, |
1639 |
Small-Pox, effects of, on the Army in Canada, |
452 |
Inoculation forbidden by General Order, |
525 |
Inoculation is practised in violation of General Order, |
501 |
Of great detriment to the service, |
589 |
Arnold advises general inoculation, |
593 |
Putnams General Orders relating to, |
635 |
Misfortunes in Canada ascribed to |
1083 |
Appearance of, among the Militia in Mary land, |
1131 |
Sullivan ascribes the ruin of the Army to, |
1201 |
Inoculation for, at Port-Tobacco, Maryland, |
1211 |
Proceedings of New-York Congress in relation to, |
1331 |
Resolves concerning, reported, |
1357 |
Baltimore Committee prohibit inoculation, |
1559 |
Smallwood, Colonel William, Letter to, from Mary land Council of Safety, |
392 |
Letter from, to Maryland Convention, |
566 |
Letter from, to Thomas Johnson, |
1255 |
Is ordered with his Troops to Philadelphia, |
1507 |