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Smedley, Samuel, Letter from, to Governour Trumbull, 1127
Smith, Aaron, Deposition of, 1228
Smith, Benjamin, suspected of joining the enemy, 572
Smith, Captain ——, Lee asks for services of, 406
Smith, Christopher, Letter from, to Robert Benson, 445
Smith, Daniel, Chairman of Bergen County Committee, 1051
Smith, David, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, 873
Smith, Dr., the Emissaries of, seized, 607
Smith, Daniel, additional allowance made to, by Virginia Convention, 1589
Smith, Israel, appointed Major of New-York Militia, 1414
Smith, Colonel Isaac, ordered to arrest disaffected in New-Jersey, 1635
Smith, James, bearer of Gunpowder to New-York, 1114
Smith, James, Chairman of York Committee, 608
Smith, Captain James, resigns command of the Sloop Schuyler, 1353
Smith, Jasper, Secretary to Amwell Committee, 523
Smith, John, elected Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, 583
Smith, John, Ananias, and Alexander, Depositions of, 570
Smith, Sergeant John, sentenced for forgery, 428
Smith, Jonathan B., Secretary to Philadelphia Committee, 670
Chosen Secretary to the Pennsylvania Conference,
Smith, Joseph, appointed Lieutenant of Connecticut Militia, 873
Smith, Joshua, sentenced by Court-Martial, 634
Smith, Josiah, Chairman of Brookhaven Committee, 570
Is Colonel of Suffolk Minute-Regiment,
628, 710
Smith, Joseph, admitted to parole in North-Carolina, 1452
Smith, John, additional allowance made to, by Virginia Convention, 1589
Smith, Melancthon, appointed Captain of New-York Militia, 1425
Smith, Captain Nathaniel, Correspondence of, with Maryland Council of Safety, 464,1139,1230
Smith, Oliver, promotion of, by Connecticut, 1223
Smith, Philip, gives information to New-York Committee, 1406
Smith, Reuben, Chairman of Litchfield Committee, 471
Smith, Robert, Governour Eden’s Secretary, 738
Smith, Robert, appointed Captain of Caledonian Rangers, 1430
Smith, Richard, (N. J.) resigns his seat in Congress, 1618
Smith, Samuel, appointed Lieutenant of New-York Minute-Men, 1390
Smith, Samuel, attempt of, to seize Governour Eden, 734
Letter from, to Governour Eden,
Smith, Stephen, Chairman of Ridgefield Committee, 439
Smith, Stephen, (of Machias,) Truckmaster, 1033
Smith & Sons, Letter from, to Maryland Council of Safety, 806
Smith, Thomas, appointed Major of New-York Militia, 1414
Smith, Thomas, appointed Ensign of New-Jersey Militia, 1664
Smith, Waters, lodges complaint against John Moore, 584
Smith, William, Letter from, to New-York Congress, 569
Complains against Captain Johnson,
Gives information to New-York Congress,
A Letter so signed to General Howe,
Depies the authorship of Letter to Howe,
Smyth, Sir Robert, supports Lord Barrington’s Motion, 146
Smyth, John, (prisoner,) Letter from, to President of Congress, 434
Smyth, Thomas, appointed a Member of Maryland Council of Safety, 125
Smyth, John, (Treasurer of New-Jersey,) Order for arrest of, 1644
He delivers up the Proclamation Money,
Smith’s Creek, Maryland orders a Chart to be made of, 904,1465
Smithstown, Census of, 1246
Return of Minute-Men in,
Smuggling, practice of, in the Northern Colonies, 151
Snow-Hill, Officers recommended by Committee of, 631
Soldiers, Religious Creed of, not important, 3
Unwillingness of British, to serve in America,
Not qualified to make Statesmen,
Soldier’s Delight, Officers composing, Battalion, 1468
Solebay, damage done on board the, 1206
Sir Peter Parker’s account of,
Solicitor-General, Mr., defends Ministry, 269
Somerset, (Maryland,) Measures to unite, 1491
Judges of Election appointed for,
Somerville, George, Warrant to bring him before Baltimore Committee, 1460
A detachment of Militia take him,
Brought up and made to give Bond,
Soper, Captain Thomas, is acquitted of charges against him, 759
Sorel, the Canada Army retreat to, 450
A Council of War determine to take post at,
And to hold possession,
General Thompson’s account of affairs at,
State of the Camp at,
Sullivan’s Letters from,
Desperate condition of things at,
Schuyler advises Sullivan to retreat from,
Sourcrout, ridicule of the contract for, 34
Shameful waste of Money for,
318, 319
Southampton, (Mass.,) Vote of, on Independence, 704
New-York, Census of,
South-Carolina, feelings inspired by new Government of, 489
Presentments of the Grand-jury for chreaws District,
Virginia permits the recruit of Soldiers for,
Certain Troops of, taken into Continental pay,
Southerland, Ransome, North-Carolina repays advances to, 1446
Southold, (New-York,) Census of, 1247
Sovereigns, annals of English, examined, 140
Sovereignty, Mr. Burke’s definition of, 176
Spain, the interference of, unnecessary, 9
Sparta, to Athens, as France to England, 96
Spartanus, on the Interests of America, 994
Speaker, Mr., reports the King’s Speech to House of Commons, 18, 60
Made to personate Mr. Hancock,
His Address to the King,
Speech, the King’s, to Parliament, 1
“False facts” in, pointed out,
Address in reply to, moved,
Not the King’s sentiments,
The King’s, proroguing Parliament,
Of President of Georgia to Congress thereof,
Made to the Indians, in Congress,
Specie, New-Jersey regulation concerning Gold and Silver, 468
Speedwell, prize sloop, sale of, by Virginia Convention, 1592
Sphinx, damage done on board the, 1206
Spicer, Abel, appointed Captain of Connecticut Militia, 873
Spicer, James, appointed Ensign of North-Carolina Militia, 1449
Spies, the Commissioners sent out as, 385
Rules and Articles of War referred to Committee on,
Resolves of Congress on Report,
Spinning Machine, furnished to each County in Pennsylvania, 856
Spooner, Walter, an Order to, 540
Spotsylvania, (Virginia,) Proceedings of Committee of, 983
Springfield, (Massachusetts,) Resolves of Committee of, 1254
Squire, Captain, movements of, in the Chesapeake, 420
Staats, Colonel, arrival of his Regiment at St. Johns, 592
Stack, Joseph, appointed Lieutenant of Maryland Militia, 1483
Stade, Hanoverian transports from, 111
Stadler, John, Virginia pays additional sum to, as Engineer, 1552
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