Mark Moses, |
Moses Lock, |
Neal McGaffey, |
Samuel Meyers, |
William Nason, |
Obadiah Williams, |
Ephraim Berry, |
Abraham Wallis, |
Jeremiah Prescott, |
Benaiah Labbee, |
James Woden, |
Simeon Chapman, per |
John McGaffey, |
Richard Treep, |
desire, |
George Wallis, |
John Gate, |
Samuel Davies, |
Eliphelet Sanborn, |
Ephraim Petlingell, |
Nathan Marden, |
George Uren, |
Ephraim Lock, |
Francis Lock, |
Ebenezer Bracket, |
Nathaniel Kuyes, |
John McCreles, |
Joseph Tharborn, |
Thomas Babb, |
Jonathan Knowles, |
Aaron Burbank, |
Ebenezer Williams, |
Joseph Seavey, |
Simon Knowles, - |
Benson Hain, |
Henry Seavey, |
Reuben Sanbun, |
Henry McCrilles, |
George Sanders, |
Benjamin Goodwin, |
John McClerey, Jun., |
David Knowlton, |
Samuel Blake, |
Moses Osgood, |
Levi Cass, |
Joseph Towle, |
John Hanier, |
Samuel Ames, |
Jeremiah Page, |
William Drought, |
Samuel Ames, Jun., |
Nathaniel Willis, |
William McCreles, |
Thomas Holt, Jun., |
Benjamin Johnston, |
Jethro Blake, |
William Holt, |
Isaac Lebbee, |
James Nelson, |
William Rand, |
Samuel Rand, |
Israel Folsom, |
Huanus Moses, |
Mark Moses, |
Ephraim Berry, |
Benaiah Libbee. |
Samuel Moses, |
John Cass and William Odiorne refused to sign.
Phineas Batchelder, |
Ebenezer Batchelor, |
Joshua French, |
Benjamin French, |
Benjamin French, Jr., |
Jacob Gale, |
Edward Fifield, |
Josiah Talton, |
Samuel Stevens, |
Jonathan Collins, |
Abraham Smith, Jr., |
Ralph Blasdell, |
John Sanborn, |
Nathan Bacheller, |
Nathan Sampson, |
Nathaniel Bacheller, |
Thomas Bacheller, |
Jacob Blasdel |
Abraham Smith, |
Nathan Ordway, |
Jacob Rowell, |
Nathan. G. Bacheller, |
Jacob Ordway, |
Matthias Bartlet, |
Simon Bacheller, |
Jacob Graves, |
David Rowell, |
Stephen Prescott, |
Samuel Palmer, |
Henry Blasdel, |
John Toppan, |
David Tilton, |
Daniel Blasdel, |
William Fifield, |
Benjamin Wilton, |
Nathaniel Whitcher, |
Enoch Chase, |
Ithamar Emerson, |
William Samson, |
William Smith, |
Joseph Bean, |
Samuel Carter, Jun., |
Moses Greeley, |
John Carter, |
Barnard Elliot, |
Jonathan L. Webster, |
Moses Blasdel, |
Caleb Webster, |
Eliphelet Webster, |
John Wellch, |
Ezekiel Merrill, |
Jon. Greeley, Jun., |
Elijah Clough, |
True Perkins, |
John Currier, |
Andrew Greeley, |
Josiah Bachelder, |
Richard Smith, |
Ebenezer Collins, |
PhiipBrown, |
Daniel Gale, |
Ezra Currier, |
Edward Greeley, |
John Morrill, |
Jeremiah Currier, |
Jonathan Greeley, |
Daniel Eastman, |
Abner Morss, |
John Sanborn, |
Jonathan Clough, |
Samuel Carter, |
Jonathan Cass, |
Trueworthy Palmer, |
Jonathan Blasdell, |
Jeremiah Morrill, |
Benjamin Smith, |
John Blasdell, |
Jonathan Perkins.
Colonel Jonathan Greeley has several times been desired to sign the Declaration, but has not. Abraham Brown and Jacob Currier refused to sign the Declaration.
Joseph Badger, |
Daniel Stevens, |
Jere. Richardson, |
Joseph Badger, Jr., |
Robert Glidden, |
Isaac Batchelder, |
Peaslee Badger, |
Nathaniel Kimball, |
Winthrop Gilman, |
William Smilh, |
Andrew Page, |
Dudly Young, |
Jacob Kelly, |
Simon Clough, |
Dudly Hutchings, |
Ebenezer Eastman, |
Andrew Gliden, |
Jon, Gilman, Jun., |
Daniel Folsom, |
Samuel Willseen, |
Jotham Gilman, |
John Moody, |
Samuel Avery, |
Jesse Loose, |
Paul Bickford, |
Jasper Elkins, |
Samuel Osgood, |
Ezekie) Hoit, |
Elisha Odlin, |
John Worth, |
Jacob Sleeper, |
Samuel Ladd, |
Solomon Kinnison, |
John Hains, |
Benj. W. Dean, |
Ebenezer Steivers, |
Joshua Gilman, |
Thomas Taylor, |
Eliphelet Gilman, |
Benjamin Peckins, |
David Elkins, |
John Melchir, |
Israel Karrar, |
Sammersbee Gilman, |
Elisha Hutchinson, |
Benjamin James, |
David Clough, |
Abiathar Sanborn, |
Jonathan James, |
Edward Gilman, |
Lowel Sanborn, |
John Parsons, |
Nathaniel Elkins, |
Jonathan Ross, |
Noah D. Dow, |
Daniel Avery, |
Samuel Clough, |
Samuel Greeley, |
Edward Smith, |
Jonathan Clark, |
Joseph Hucliins, Jr., |
Ambrose Hinds, |
Benjamin Weeks, |
Joseph Huchins, |
John Samborn, |
Daniel Dudley, |
David Fifield, |
Nathaniel Webster, |
Stephen Dudley, |
Samuel Fifield, |
Edward Fox, |
John Dudley, |
William Libbey, |
Abner Clough, |
Benjamin Dow, |
John Gilman, |
John Jeffery, |
Jeremiah Connor, |
Isaac Smith, |
Elisha Weed, |
Antipas Gilman, |
George Dennet, |
Matthew Weeks, |
Benjamin Gilman, |
Thomas Fanoeny, |
Thomas Chattle, |
Samuel Brooks, |
David Bean, |
Ephraim Morrill, |
Nehemiah Longe, |
Peter Gilman, |
Jon. Gilmaw, 3d, |
Abner Evens, |
Joshua Gilman, |
Joseph Parson, |
Daniel Evens, |
Samuel Gilman, |
William Parsons, |
Jonathan Hutchinso, |
Stephen Beau, |
Wm. Parsons, Jun., |
Trede Bean, |
Ephraim Morrill, Jr., |
Samuel B. Rand, |
John Mash, |
James Hockings, |
Ebenezer Paige, |
Henry Mash, |
Jonathan Folsom, |
Jeremy Cogswell, |
Josiah Avery, |
Robert Moulton, |
Nathaniel Wilson, |
Joseph Osgood. |
Malthias Sawyer, |
Pursuant to the orders of the Committee of Safety, we have applied to the inhabitants of Gilmanton to sign the Association Paper, and those named in the list herewith committed are those that refuse to sign it.
} |
Selectmen of Gilmanton. |
Gilmanton, August 28, 1776.
Samuel Avery, |
Gilman Lovejoy, |
George Weymonth, |
John Smith, |
Philip Pain, |
Charles Currier, |
Daniel Clough, |
Joseph Merrill, |
Scribner Mudget, |
John Fox, |
David Edgerley, |
Jonathan Dow, |
Reuben Allen, |
Gilman Lovejoy, Jr., |
Joseph Avery, |
Thomas Mudget, |
Orlando Weed, |
Hosea Hatch, |
Noah Weeks, |
Jonathan Gilman, |
Joseph Clifford, |
Samuel Weeks, |
John Sheperd, |
Jonathan Batchelder, |
Nat. Webster, Jun., |
Amos Paine, |
Simeon Bean, |
Simeon Mudget, |
Isaiah Clongh, |
Joseph Young, |
Gideon Bean, |
Edward Lock, |
Enoch Beao. |
Joshua Bean, |
Abraham Folsom, |
The several persons above-named refuse signing the Association Paper.
} |
Selectmen of Gilmanton. |
Gilmanton, August 28, 1776.
To the Honourable the Council and Assembly, or the Committee of Safety, for the Colony of NEW-HAMPSHIRE:
Whereas the Selectmen of the Town of Gilmanton have applied to us to sign an Association Paper, and there being some scruples on our minds, we cannot conscientiously sign it, and beg leave to assign our reasons; which are as follows, viz: We agree and consent to the Declaration of Independence on the British Crown, and are willing to pay our proportion to the support of the United Colonies; but, as to defend with arms, it is against our religious principles, and pray we may be excused. All which is most humbly submitted, by your Honours most obedient humble servants,
John Fox, |
Hosea Hatch, |
Noah Weeks, |
Samuel Weeks, |
Charley Currier, |
Gilman Longee, Jr., |
Orlando WeeJ, |
Samuel Avery, |
Joseph Clifford, |
Peter Smith, |
Simeon Mudget, |
Jonathan Batchelder, |
Daniel Clough, |
Scribner Mudget, |
Simeon Bean, |
Nat. Webster, Jun., |
Joseph Morrill, |
Joseph Young, |
Jonathan Dow, |
Gilman Longee, |
Reuben Allen.
Gilmantown, August 20, 1776.
Ebenezer Dewey, |
Stephen Bond, |
Ebenezer Wilcox, |
Justus Hurd, |
Joseph Youngs, |
John Chapman, |
Pelatiah Pease, |
David Bell, |
John Marks, |
Ebenezer Dewey, Jr., |
Stephen Bond, Jun., |
Stephen Griswold, |
Gershom Crocker, |
Elijah Mack, |
James Rowe, |
Josiah Kilburn, |
Obadiah Smith, |
Elisha Rendell, |
Ebenezer Kilburn |
Levi Bliss, |
John Boynton, |
Thomas Morse, |
Jonathan Bliss, |
John Boynton, Jun., |
Josiah Kilburn, Jun., |
Abner Bliss, |
John Dimick, Jun., |
Ebenezer Church, |
David Bliss, |
John Dimick, |
Jonathan Adams, |
Jonathan Bliss, Jun., |
Timothy Dimick, |
Ichabod Youngs, |
Ebenezer Bill, |
John Row, |
Henry White, |
Joel Kilbourn, |
John Row, Jun., |
Shubael Hurd, |
Obadiah Wilcox, Jr., |
Obadiah Wilcox.
This may certify, that the names annexed to this paper are all the inhabitants of the Town of Gilsum, that come within the limits of this request.
} |
Selectmen of gilsum. |
Small Moulton, |
Samuel Towle, |
Moses Brown, |
Thomas Leavitt, |
Joshua Towle, |
Stephen Fifield, |
John Moulton, |
Joshua Towle, Jun., |
John Crosbie, |
John Dow, |
Elisha Marston, |
Simon Lane, |
James Hobbs, |
Jonathan Marston, Jr., |
William Lane, Jun., |
John Moulton, 5th, |
Carter Batchelder, |
Benjamin Moulton, |
John Moulton, 6th, |
Amos Towle, Jun., |
Amos Towle, |
Samuel Dow, |
Joseph Nay, |
Joseph Towle, Jun., |
John Lamprey, |
John Nay, |
Benjamin Malon, |
Josiah Moulton, |
Josiah Towle, |
Josiah Ma lom, |
Edward Shaw, |
Daniel Philbrick, Jr., |
Jonathan, Elkins, |
Samuel Shaw, |
George Freese, |
Moses Elkins, |
Oliver W. Lane, |
Joseph Freese, |
John Towle, |
Jonathan Moulton, Jr. |
Jeremiah Ball, |
James Blake, |
Edward B. Moulton, |
John Dearborn, |
Ebenezer Lane, |
Jonathan Shaw, |
Jona. Garland, Jun., |
Josiah Lane, |
Benjamin Batchelder, |
Robert Drake, Jun., |
Nathan Blake, |
Jonathan Sanborn, |
Jeremiah Towle, |
Jonathan Blake, |
Jonathan Leavitt, |
Nathaniel Dealborn, |
Lemuel Tuttle, |
Simon Marston, |
Ephraim Marston, |
Abm. P. Towle, |
Shubael Page, |
Philip Towle, |
Jethery Blake, |
Elisha Towl, |
Philip Towle, Jun., |
David Moulton, |
Ebenezer Thayer, |
Winthrop Sanborn, |
James Towle, |
Jonathan Moulton, |
Thomas Jenness, |
Henry Elkins, |
Josiah Moulton, Jun., |
John Moulton, Jun., |
Jonathan Towle, |
John Moulton, |
Nathan Brown, |
Nathaniel Batchelder, |
Anthony Emery, |
Jonathan Marston, |
Philip Marston, |
Joseph Johnson, |
Simon Towle, |
Abner Sanborn, |
Nathaniel Johnson, |
Jeremiah Marston, Jr. |
Elijah Moulton, |
John Batchelder, |
Nathan Sanborn, |
Jeremiah Sanborn, |
John Lane, |
Benj. Brown Shaw, |
Simon Sanborn, |
Jeremiah Shaw, |
Benjamin Fifield, |
Ezekiel Moulton, |
John Johnson, |
Samuel Brown, |
John Fogg, |
Joseph Moulton, |
Samuel Brownson, |
John Sanborn, |
Joseph Garland, |
John Allaman, |
Benjamin Tucke, |
Thomas Woodman, |
John Readman, |
John Taylor, |
Joshua James, |
Simon Dow, |
Henry D. Taylor, |
Stephen Page, |
John Marston, |
Micajah Morrill, |